Leykhtenstern também doenças agudas, diretamente predshestvovavsh com intestinal a implementações (por exemplo danos de uma parede de barriga, um ponosa, frio e assim por diante), e doenças cronicamente prosseguem dão-se como a razão de invaginations do dano (lagostim, pólipos, etc.), mas a falta de qualquer instrução na anamnésia em casos de invaginations em sujeitos antes bastante sãos obviamente prevalece. Das doenças crônicas anteriores, deve-se notar:1) colite crônica, 2) úlceras intestinais crônicas (tuberculose) 3) appenditsita, 4) infiltrados inflamatórios crônicos na espessura das paredes intestinais, 5) tumores (lagostim, sarcomas, epiteliomas, adenomas , lipomas, miomas, fibromas, mixofibromas, papilomas, angiomas, cistos e outros novos crescimentos), 6) estenoses, 7) vermes.
Na história atenta que toma o registro destas doenças pode trazer, naturalmente, algum benefício, tendo investigando de maneira correta; mas em muitos casos de invaginations a anamnésia remota não dá nada como a introdução acontece no solo de várias predisposições congênitas e só do desconhecido por enquanto das razões. Consulte o número das anomalias que contribuem para implementações, como sabemos, extensão de bryzheyka, mobilidade de uma tripa cega (existência de mesokoecum), diverticulums mekkeleva, protrusão em um vislumbre de uma tripa cega da porta bauginiyevy mucosa e assim por diante.
É quase impossível distinguir estas anomalias nas condições de uma cirurgia urgente.
Além das doenças crônicas listadas, ao coletar a anamnésia remota é necessário considerar ainda todas as operações prévias. Estimando-os, deve ter-se em mente que recentemente os casos de entéricos invaginations em um estômago depois de vários gastroenterostomies feitos na frequência crescente descrevem:atrás, adiante, com laços curtos, com longo, com anastomoz interintestinal e sem eles; além disso, tais invaginations entéricos também descrevem-se depois de uma resseção de estômago. O primeiro caso de invaginação semelhante descreve-se por Steber em 1917 o Sr. Batman e Baldwin em 1933 descreveram 33 desses casos. Em 1936, o Sr. Gottesmen descreveu 40 casos. Em nós na União D. M. Gorodinsky, M. V. Zamoshchin, V. V. Uspensky e V. I. Sokolov, S. S. Penkevich, etc. informaram sobre estas invaginações. Segue-se desta lista que cresce o número de invaginações semelhantes. No entanto, por V. V. Uspensky e V. eu aproximo o cálculo. Sokolova, enterogastric invaginations não mais muitas vezes encontram-se do que 1 invagination em 1.500 gastroenterostomies feitos, mas, obviamente, com a multiplicação de casos da imposição de soustiya também aumentará o número de invaginations. Henshin aloca as seguintes formas de invaginations de uma tripa magra em um estômago:
M. B. Zamoshchin a este esquema acrescenta ainda as seguintes formas:
V. V. Uspensky e VI Sokolov, provindo da supervisão já descrita, e também por razões teóricas, planejam uma quantidade maior de formas de implementações semelhantes.
O termo que provém do momento da imposição de um anastomoz antes da formação da implementação segundo a vários autores, faz de 6 dias a 16 anos. Contudo muitas vezes as invaginações observaram-se no 2o ano de uma corrente posoperativa. Depois de impor de costas soustiya de um invagination ocorre aproximadamente por 4 vezes mais muitas vezes do que depois de vestíbulos. A circunstância última, ao que parece, explica-se pelo fato que em geral costas anastomoz muito mais muitas vezes se faz do que vestíbulos.
Geralmente em pacientes invaginações intestinais queixam-se da dor que se desenvolve no momento da introdução.
No caso acima indicado da invaginação entérica que complicou herniotomia foi possível rastrear o desenvolvimento da dor do logo no início da implementação e observar suas mudanças em 5 dias. A emergência de dores em um círculo de umbigo em um invagination entérico foi extremamente demonstrativa. A frequência das dores é muito indicativa. No início da implementação de uma pausa foi tão longa que o paciente, acalmando-se, dormiu, ao que parece, sem sofrer de ataques dolorosos.
A dor em invaginações gastrintestinais, ao que parece, não é típica no sentido da localização como em todos eles dores de estômago, e em implementações ileotsekalny a dor sente-se originalmente à direita na área de podvzdoshny, e logo já se estende em todo o estômago.
As dores em invaginations podem depender de duas razões:em - o primeiro, do fato de que no momento a introdução o bryzheyka intestinal restringe-se, e a parede de uma tripa na qual o invaginat avança, estende-se desarrazoadamente; em segundo lugar, de reduções convulsivas de departamentos intestinais sobrejacentes na tentativa de empurrar seus conteúdos através de um obstáculo. Devido a tal mecanismo duplo de dores em invaginations podem ser peculiares. Assim, um dos pacientes de I. G. Rufanov, por exemplo, assegurou que se sente "como o intestino entra no intestino"; MB Zamoshchina doente com uma tripa magra em um estômago (em um gastroterostomoza) informou que em um ataque da doença sentiu, "isto em um estômago algo quebrou", etc. Em qualquer caso as dores invaginatsionny consideravelmente diferenciam-se no caráter de dores em appenditsita agudo , anexos, isto é de dores no momento de modificações puramente inflamatórias das quais, ao que parece, em muitos casos podem diferenciar-se. Unlike the alternating pains, pains constants are sometimes observed. On Vortmanna, such constant pains are characteristic of quickly coming necrosis of the restrained intussusceptum.
Very often vomiting disturbs patients. At the beginning of a disease there can be purely reflex vomiting depending on infringement of a mesentery. Then, with advance of an intussusceptum in depth of an intestinal gleam, vomiting can renew again. In most cases the fecal vomit at invaginations happens only before a lethal outcome. Such invaginatsionny vomiting differs from kalopodobny vomiting markedly at cholelithic impassability at which this symptom happens quite frequent in initial stages.
In emetic masses there is nothing characteristic. But at enteric and gastric invaginations vomiting, on the contrary, is very characteristic because it almost always happens sharply bloody. The case history of the patient operated with Schukin can be an illustration to told.
"The patient, 38 years, 16/VII 1926 g is brought to surgical department of Staritsky hospital with complaints to cruel abdominal pains and frequent vomiting. It is sick 2 days. It is operated more than 3 flyings ago (in other hospital) concerning a duodenum ulcer; after operation felt absolutely healthy all the time; ate "what got" and worked the most hard work. The beginning of this disease dates for rise in weight after very plentiful food. Suddenly there was vomiting, at first dark green color, and then painted by blood. After drink vomiting amplified, and the number of emetic masses many times over exceeded the drunk liquid.
Under the diagnosis "impassability" 18/VII — operation (Schukin) under a chloroformic anesthesia. After opening of an abdominal cavity implementation of the taking-away loop of a small bowel throughout 8 — 10 cm in a pozadiobodochny anastomosis is revealed. The invaginated part of a gut of dark color, is edematous. It is easily extended from a stomach. From the former ulcer there is no trace left also. Deaf stitches are put. 20/VII the patient died".
In the given case history vomiting blood was once; at some patients the hematemesis repeats several times, at the same time emetic masses consists almost of pure blood. This symptom should be considered as for enteric and gastric invaginations a hematemesis very a patognomonichna.
Quite often patients complain of disturbance of the correct action of intestines. At invaginations there can be or complete cessation of an otkhozhdeniye a calla and gases, or, on the contrary, increase of a chair with an otkhozhdeniye of liquid excrements with slime and impurity of blood, or increase of a chair with liquid excrements, but without blood impurity.
Usually it is considered that at invaginations there has to be a bloody chair and if it is absent, then the diagnosis of invagination is called into question. It is incorrect. The statistics of frequency of a bloody chair at adults is heterogeneous. So, Weiss observed a bloody chair in 74%, Vortmann — in 38%, and I. G. Rufanov — only in 8 — 10%. In view of this distinction, follows, it seems to us, to reckon with this symptom when it happens, but not to wait for it emergence for confirmation of the diagnosis.
The tenesmus which are observed at invaginations are especially painful at colic invaginations and are absent at enteric.
It settles the main complaints of patients at intestinal invaginations. Other subjective symptoms — weakness, thirst, appetite loss, nausea, dryness in a mouth and so forth, are inherent in general to intestinal impassability and for intestinal implementation represent nothing specific.
Objective research. At the beginning of a disease at emergence of pains and vomitings at children shock is, as a rule, observed. At adult such general changes can not be. Pulse remains full, equal, normal or close to norm of frequency. At the very beginning of a disease pulse can be even slowed down. A little also temperature remaining subfebrile changes. In a further current pulse can become frequent considerably, reflecting weight of invagination and degree of intestinal impassability — full or relative.
Language, heart, lungs are not exposed to big changes. It is necessary to pay special attention to an abdominal cavity and to those changes in it which can be caught already in early stages of a course of a disease.
The data obtained at usual clinical inspection can be heterogeneous that depends, clear, from a variety of forms of invaginations. It is easy to imagine that during the first hours even high implementation the stomach can be and it is not blown up as the intestinal piece lying over invagination kept still the tone, • its contents, however, hardly, but after all move ahead through an intussusceptum thanks to what gas exchange and sokoobmen throughout a digestive tract are still supported. The same can occur also at low invaginations when there is no full impassability.
We will give two case histories relating to two invaginations almost at the same level, but variously proceeding in dependence, apparently, on completeness of obstruction of an intestinal gleam. The first concerns the patient whom we observed in clinic (V. I. Ivankovich).
The patient, 45 years, is brought to clinic of 25/VIII 1936 g in 6 hours from the beginning of pains in the right ileal area. Ached suddenly, among full health. Pains were followed by vomiting. Similar pains happened earlier, proceeding for 2 — 3 days. Temperature 37,4 °. Pulse 76.
Objectively. The stomach is not blown up, participates in breath. The right half of an abdominal wall is a little strained and painful at palpation. Symptoms of Rovzinga, Shchetkin — Blyumberg poorly positive. In the field of a point Mack-Byorni is defined a swelling by size about egg. The swelling is a little mobile.
At urgent operation caecum invagination with a worm-shaped shoot in the ascending gut was found. Disinvagination, appendectomy and a typhlopexy are made. The patient recovered.
In the given case history it is specified that no abdominal distention existed. The general state was satisfactory. For invagination the acute beginning, pains in an abdominal cavity and existence of a tumor in 6 hours from the beginning of a disease was pathognomonic.
Absolutely the patient described by E. V. Vasilyevsky had other current.
The patient, 39 years, came to 8 o'clock in the evening 28/V 1913 g. Complains of the strongest abdominal pains. Good addition, satisfactory food. Hardly owing to severe pains in a stomach says that ached the day before, about 7 o'clock in the evening. Earlier similar attacks happened, but not in such degree. Since remembers himself from time to time there were attacks of abdominal pains, mainly in an anticardium or near a navel which kept sometimes till 2 days. Cannot connect with something emergence of pains. In the childhood of pain were less; especially often they were during stay of the patient on military service. Attacks happened
various force. Sometimes pains did not develop long, till some months. The chair always was correct; never noticed blood in excrements. There was several times vomiting. Is not a purgative.
Objectively. Two small tumors are determined by the white line above a navel, and one about large haricot, dense, is very painful (the patient does not allow to touch it). During stay served in the forces of the patient the pains reminding present once; to it then suggested to remove a tumor, but he did not agree.
The stomach is blown strongly up, at palpation is painful and strongly strains; at percussion — everywhere the tympanic sound which is slightly dulled in sloping places. Pulse 120, weak filling. Temperature 37,5 °. At urgent operation the tumor size about a fist which was implementation of a caecum in ascending and partly in cross colonic is found "at the lower surface of a liver. Disinvagination is made. The patient recovered.
The given E. V. Vasilyevsky's supervision on invagination height very reminds V. I. Ivankovich's supervision; they differ a little on disease terms; one patient suffered 6 hours, another — 25 hours. They are not similar at each other and on local and to the general symptoms. In case of V. I. Ivankovich the patient had a stomach of a normal configuration, the abdominal wall participated in breath; at sick E. V. Vasilyevsky the stomach was blown up, intense. The first patient had a pulse 76, at the second — 120! It is possible to explain various condition of patients not only terms of supervision, but also and degree of tightness of obturation on site to invagination as it is known that full of obturation proceed hard, incomplete — it is much easier.
The intestinal peristaltics seen through belly covers is of considerable interest. This phenomenon also depends on degree of tightness of obstruction, but, besides, and on height of implementation and terms of a disease. From a case history of the patient operated with P. N. Napalkov (p. 185) with postoperative invagination it is visible how the intestinal peristaltics gradually appeared, accruing with time and with impassability degree. It is clear, that emergence of the vermicular movement of intestinal loops seen through an abdominal wall requires existence over an intussusceptum of their some piece therefore very high enteric invaginations can proceed also without visible vermicular movement.
Enormous value for recognition of implementations has detection at palpation of an abdominal cavity of the pasty, mobile education similar sometimes to a sphere, at times on the roller, sausage and so forth. This tumor can vanish during research, and at a palpation in the period of painful attacks can be reduced in sizes. At palpation of such tumors can appear calmed down again there were pains; such tumors not in all cases of intestinal invaginations are probed; according to I. G. P at f and N about in at, at enteric implementations are found in 40% of cases, at colic — in 80%, and at thinly - colic — in 65 — 70%.
Fig. 27. A X-ray pattern at ileocecal invagination
(supervision of doctor O. O. D e N) (from a collection E. A. Pchelina).
The picture is made in vertical position of the patient. Research was made by means of inflation of air through a rectum. Against the large intestine inflated by gas with its characteristic topography and gaustralny protrusions of a wall in a gleam of a gut the horizontal level of liquid against a wing of the right ileal bone is visible. Over level the intensive shadow with a roundish contour — the intussusceptum head comprising an ileal gut acts. As a result of the applied manipulations — spontaneous disinvagination.
Feeling an abdominal cavity at invaginations, it is necessary to estimate a degree of admission of the right ileocecal area. At implementations of a small bowel in thick it is considered that the right ileal hollow becomes empty and this emptiness can be felt at a palpation. This symptom carries the name of a sign D and N with and, it is described, apparently, in all articles treating about invaginations including its pathognomonic for this disease. In my opinion, it is a little wrong. At ileocecal torsions the caecum is displaced, and on its place emptiness would have to be formed. Such point of view V. G. Ts e e - M adhered and to N of t e y f e l; he considered that emptiness in the right ileal hollow is characteristic of torsions of a gut and calls it O. G. Shiman's sign. There can be all this to some extent and fairly, but is absolutely unclear. Why at caecum shift the vacant place is not taken by other intestinal loops, and it has to remain by all means empty? This question is absolutely fairly raised by Vortmann, critically approaching Dans's sign.
When listening an abdominal cavity it is possible to catch the most various sounds (rumbling, gurgle, transfusion etc.), but in them there is nothing specific to invagination as they can meet at any relative impassability. Quite often determine by percussion existence in a free abdominal cavity of the moving liquid.
Finish clinical trial of the patient with obligatory survey of an anus with introduction of a finger to a rectum. Survey of an anus can give a valuable sign, find its gaping. The gaping appears because an intussusceptum, having reached an anus, mechanically slightly stretches it. When slipping an intussusceptum out of limits of an anal press diagnosis becomes simpler as the intussusceptum lies directly before eyes of investigating. However, despite, apparently, simplicity of diagnosis in similar cases, mistakes after all can be:the intussusceptum which sliped through an anal press is taken for the dropped-out rectum. In these cases the issue is resolved by manual research:at a prolapse of the rectum it is possible to enter a finger only into the center of the dropped-out tube, at loss of an intussusceptum it is possible to bypass it a finger but circles and, besides, to enter a finger into the center of an intussusceptum.
By means of manual research it is also possible to find the intussusceptum which stopped somewhere in a rectum and traces of the blood which is absent in excrements.