Celijakija ima mnogo neizrečenih užasnih istina...
Jedna od njih je ova:u prosjeku su potrebne 4 godine da se postavi dijagnoza celijakije, a istraživanje često pokazuje da više od 2 godine kasnije većina pacijenata još uvijek nije izliječena i obično pate, iako jedu strogo bezglutensku hranu. dijeta. Ovaj je članak pokušaj da se to promijeni, da vam vrati snagu i zapravo vam pomogne da se vratite zdravom životu.
Ovaj vodič je napisan za vas, oboljelu od celijakije, kako biste objasnili što se događa u vašem tijelu, što to znači za vašu budućnost i kako se možete izliječiti od ove bolesti.
Namjera mu je popuniti praznine koje vam liječnik vjerojatno nije rekao (i pazite... toliko ih je da je gotovo kriminalno).
Napisao sam ovo jer se Jordan Reasoner, moj najbolji prijatelj, morao boriti 3 godine da dobije dijagnozu, a nakon toga je dobio samo mali paket u kojem mu je rečeno da jede bezglutensku dijetu i bit će dobro.
Ali nije...
Dvije godine nakon što je slijedio dijetu bez glutena s kultnom strogošću… bio je još bliže smrti. Nije djelovalo i liječnici su podigli ruke i rekli:
"Očito varaš na dijeti i mi ti više ne možemo pomoći."
Nažalost, to je sada norma u našem trenutnom medicinskom sustavu – nedovoljno educirani i nedovoljno resursni liječnici okrivljuju i dezinformiraju pacijente o tome što je zapravo potrebno za izlječenje od celijakije i što rizici ove bolesti znače za vaš život.
Ali to ne mora biti ovako.
Jordan je sada ozdravio i sretan, a od tada smo pomogli tisućama drugih žrtava celijakije koje su prošle kroz istu borbu – i pomogli im da oporave svoje zdravlje baš poput njega.
Ali još uvijek sam ljut, pa pišem ovo...
Moj je cilj pomoći vam da izbjegnete stalnu bol – da shvatite svoje zdravstvene rizike – i naučite kako se vratiti normalnom zdravom životu ako želite.
Upozorenje za spojler! Još jedna užasna istina koju većina ljudi s celijakijom otkriva prekasno:dijeta bez glutena sama po sebi nije dovoljna da izliječi – više pojedinosti o tome kasnije.
Ovaj vodič je sveobuhvatan, što znači da će vam trebati oko 15 minuta da ga pročitate. A budući da ne znam koliko ste obrazovani, sastavili smo sadržaj tako da možete preskočiti na najvažnije dijelove za vas:
Što je celijakija?
Znakovi, simptomi i prevalencija
Opasni rizici neliječene celijakije
Celijakija naspram netolerancije na gluten
Od osjetljive na gluten do pune celijakije
Pojednostavljivanje toksičnosti glutena
Testiranje na celijakiju i netoleranciju na gluten
4 Testovi na celijakiju i netoleranciju na gluten
Konvencionalno liječenje celijakije
3 Epski neuspjesi konvencionalnog liječenja
Kako se razvija autoimuna bolest
4 koraka za iscjeljenje uzroka
Nadam se da ćete ostaviti komentar ili ovo podijeliti s drugima – nadamo se da ćemo ovim člankom mnogima spasiti živote.
Celijakija je autoimuna bolest koja uzrokuje oštećenje tankog crijeva, što dovodi do sistemske upale, malapsorpcije hranjivih tvari i mnogih drugih značajnih zdravstvenih problema. Autoimuno stanje stanje je u kojem se vaš imunološki sustav zbuni i, umjesto da se bori protiv stranih osvajača, počinje vas napadati.
Dio tankog crijeva koji je najviše oštećen obično su resice. To su male izbočine poput tepiha unutar tankog crijeva i vitalne su za naše zdravlje. Oni povećavaju površinu tankog crijeva, oslobađaju probavne enzime i pomažu u prikupljanju i apsorpciji hranjivih tvari.
Tijekom progresije celijakije, resice prelaze iz vitalnih niti u spljoštene i slomljene. Ovo je loša vijest za naše zdravlje.
Budući da se radi o autoimunoj bolesti, to znači da postoji okidač ili razlog iz okoliša koji stvara upalu, imunološku disregulaciju i posljedične probleme.
Smatra se da je ekološki pokretač celijakije samo gluten, zbog čega je toliki fokus na hranu bez glutena. Ali, nažalost, ovaj fokus samo na gluten šteti većini celijakija i, po mom mišljenju, zapravo ubija neke od njih. Više o tome kasnije.
Još jedna užasna istina o celijakiji je da, iako se oštećenje događa u crijevima, samo 40% djece i 60% odraslih prijavi bilo kakve simptome povezane s probavom.
Ovo je jedan od frustrirajućih dijelova celijakije – može uzrokovati probleme u cijelom našem tijelu. Smatra se da je to jedan od razloga zašto velika većina oboljelih od celijakije (83% – 97%) ostaje nedijagnosticirana.
Većina ljudi ima više problema s popisa u nastavku — koliko ih imate?
Uobičajeni znakovi i simptomi celijakije:
Ono što je stvarno tužno na ovom popisu je broj ljudi koji pate. Istraživanje iz 2012. procjenjuje da oko 0,71% Amerikanaca ima celijakiju (ukupno 3 milijuna), što znači da vi ili netko u vašoj obitelji nema celijakiju, netko koga poznajete ima.
Većina stručnjaka sada vjeruje da je taj broj bliži 1%, što je otprilike ista prevalencija u svijetu, uključujući Europu i Italiju.
Rizici od celijakije ne prestaju samo s gornjim popisom simptoma. Upamtite, veliki postotak (do 60%) ne smatra da je bolestan, što je zastrašujuće kada pogledate kako vas celijakija dovodi do mnogih drugih zdravstvenih problema.
Često postoji veliko poricanje kada vam se dijagnosticira ozbiljna bolest poput celijakije. I to je sasvim normalno, ali želim vas potaknuti da ne čekate predugo kako biste poduzeli ozbiljnu akciju prema izlječenju.
Jer ako zanemarite, poričete ili ne provjerite svoj napredak u ozdravljenju, najvjerojatnije ćete završiti među jednom (ili mnogima) od ovih strašnih statistika:
Drugim riječima, ako ste bez simptoma celijakije i vaši laboratoriji pokazuju znakove upale crijeva... još uvijek ste izloženi značajnom riziku od zdravstvenih komplikacija i rane smrti.
Gledajte, ne pokušavam vas uplašiti, samo želim da budete potpuno informirani pacijent – pacijent koji može donijeti najbolje odluke za svoja tijela i živote, a ne onaj čija je moć u rukama liječnika (koji iskreno nema vremena i pažnje da ima takvu moć za početak).
A sve počinje suočavanjem s (ponekad brutalnom) životnom stvarnošću.
Ali ne brinite... gore navedeni scenariji ne moraju postati vaša stvarnost... Zapravo, dajem vam korake da izbjegnete pridruživanje tim statistikama (poput VEĆINE celijakije), i umjesto toga ispravno izliječite.
Nije da ste se samo jednog dana probudili i iznenada "uhvatili" celijakiju. Umjesto toga, progresivno postajete bolesniji i količina štete u vašem tijelu polako se povećava...
Koja je glavna razlika između vas i onih koji pate od intolerancije na gluten, ili onoga što se također naziva non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS). Sveučilište Maryland trenutačno izvještava oko 18 milijuna Amerikanaca (6% stanovništva SAD-a) ima ovo stanje.
Međutim, ovo je najniža procjena oboljelih...
Dr. Alessio Fasano, direktor Centra za istraživanje celijakije, više puta je rekao,
"Svim ljudima nedostaju enzimi potrebni za razgradnju glutena."
A sada izlaze nove studije koje predlažu mehanizme koji podržavaju ovu tvrdnju, što znači da bi stvarni broj ljudi s problemima povezanim s glutenom mogao biti u 100 milijuna. Vrijedi napomenuti da samo zato što je iznimno teško probavljiv ne znači da svi imaju problem s glutenom.
Oni s netolerancijom na gluten mogu osjetiti sve iste gore navedene simptome za celijakiju, kao što su proljev ili zatvor, koprivnjača, magla u mozgu, nadutost i glavobolje.
Poput celijakije, osjetljivost na gluten stanje je u kojem se imunološki sustav aktivira glutenom, što uzrokuje upalu i crijevnu propusnost. Ali imunološki sustav ne napada sluznicu tankog crijeva, kao što je to kod celijakije.
Dakle, glavna razlika između intolerancije na gluten i celijakije je u načinu na koji imunološki sustav reagira na gluten i glijadin. Ali budimo jasni, u oba slučaja postoji imunološki odgovor na pšenicu.
Imunološki odgovor NCGS osobe nije usmjeren na ljudsko tkivo... on je usmjeren na okidač iz okoliša.
Međutim, vodeći stručnjaci za celijakiju, poput dr. Toma O'Bryana, vjeruju da celijakija nije poput prekidača za svjetlo... ne samo da se uključuje ili isključuje. Vjeruju da čak i oni s NCGS-om imaju neke imunološke stanice koje napadaju ljudsko tkivo, ali na preniskoj razini da bi naši trenutni medicinski testovi mogli otkriti.
I nakon mjeseci ili godina ovog "tihog" napada, imunološki odgovor počinje rasti u ozbiljnosti sve dok se konačno ne može otkriti našim trenutnim laboratorijskim testovima.
Uz to, ako ne podnosite gluten, savjet iz ovog članka jednako je relevantan za vas kao i za osobu s dijagnosticiranom celijakijom.
Mnogim oboljelima od celijakije ne dijagnosticira se potpuna celijakija tek kasnije u životu (20-e, 30-e, 40-e, 50-e i dalje)... što je fascinantno i obično zbunjujuće kada se sve to dogodi. U ovom trenutku mogu se zapitati jesu li cijelo vrijeme bili netolerantni na gluten?
Istražimo kako se razvija celijakija i kakvu ulogu u tome ima netolerancija na gluten - jer se sjećamo da je razlika između njih uglavnom u tome koliko je imunološki sustav nereguliran.
Dvije su glavne strane imunološkog sustava – urođena i adaptivna. Svaki od njih ima veliku ulogu u održavanju zdravlja.
Kod osjetljivosti na gluten, smatra se da oboje aktivno napadaju gluten i druge molekule koje ulaze u vaš krvotok zbog crijeva koja propušta (više o tome kasnije).
Kod celijakije, adaptivna strana postaje bezveze i počinje napadati vaše crijevne stanice misleći da su i one strane molekule koje treba uništiti. Ovo je autoimuna komponenta bolesti.
I kod osjetljivosti na gluten i kod celijakije, oštećenje i nelagoda su uzrokovani glutenom i njegovo izbjegavanje je ključno za izlječenje. Ali teško je izbjeći nešto što ne razumiješ. Moramo znati što točno gluten je i kako možemo to izbjeći.
To vjerojatno već znate, ali gluten je protein koji se nalazi u ječmu, raži i pšenici.
Evo što vjerojatno ne znate :biljke ne žele da ih jedete. Zapravo, imaju složen niz obrambenih mehanizama koji sprječavaju ljude i druge životinje da ih pojedu.
Jedan od tih obrambenih mehanizama su toksični proteini, zvani prolamini, sadržani u gotovo svim žitaricama (bez glutena ili ne). A gluten sadrži jedan od najotrovnijih prolamina – gliadin – i upravo taj gliadin u glutenu uzrokuje štetu.
Gliadin čak upaljuje crijeva zdravih osoba. Ali za one s osjetljivošću na gluten ili genetskom predispozicijom za celijakiju, šteta je daleko gora.
Kada osoba s genetikom za celijakiju pojede pecivo, zdjelu tjestenine ili bilo što drugo što sadrži gluten, šteta nastaje na nekoliko načina:
Povećanje zonulina (i rezultirajuće proširenje uskih spojeva) dovodi do razvoja crijeva koja propušta.
Vrijedi napomenuti da zapravo postoji najmanje 19 okidača crijeva koja propušta - gluten je samo jedan od njih.
Besplatna prezentacija Leaky Gut: Kliknite ovdje da biste saznali 19 uobičajenih okidača crijeva koja propuštaju i kako ih izliječiti.
Dakle, ukratko, prolamini su obrambeni proteini koji se nalaze u biljkama. Gluten je samo jedna od nekoliko vrsta prolamina i sadrži specifično otrovan dio zvan gliadin. Općenito, iako se smatra da su pšenica, raž i ječam najgori prijestupnici za celijakiju, nakon što je šteta počela, svaki prolamin – bilo iz žitarica ili pseudozrna – može biti problematičan.
Uz to, razgovarajmo o tome kako zapravo potvrditi da imate celijakiju.
Postoji velika zbrka oko testiranja i dijagnoze celijakije i to za dobru mjeru, zbog čega su u prosjeku celijakiji potrebne 4 godine da dobije ispravnu dijagnozu. Iskreno, ovo je patetično i potpuno tužno. Vjerujem da pacijenti mogu ubrzati ovaj proces tako što su obrazovaniji od svojih liječnika o toj temi.
Tehnički, dijagnoza celijakije utvrđuje se na temelju histološke demonstracije s pratećim kriterijima, što znači da ne postoji jedan "savršen" test za dijagnosticiranje bolesti.
What’s going on is doctors are looking for a specific amount of damage to your small intestine and backing it up with test results to confirm you have the risk factors for the disease.
In more simple terms, that means when gluten intolerance crosses a small-intestine-damage threshold and autoimmune risk factors are confirmed via lab tests or autoimmune markers are actually observed on your lab work… then you officially have the diagnosis of Celiac disease.
Since there’s so much confusion around the testing here…
Let’s break the tests into 3 categories:
1.) Supportive Tests – Typically, these are tests that that are the easiest and cheapest to run. They provide supporting evidence for risk of Celiac disease or Gluten sensitivity.
An example of a supportive test, would be getting a genetic test to check for Celiac disease genes. You can do a serum lab test or even 23andme.com testing to figure this out (meaning you don’t need to wait for your doctor to do this testing).
2.) Autoimmune Tests – These are tests used to check for and measure the level of immune system dysregulation going on in your body. There is a major drawback with these tests, though, you’ll need to have eaten gluten in the last 2-3 months to get an accurate result.
A blood test called a tTg-IgA test (Tissue Transglutaminase Test), which looks for antibodies in your blood towards gluten, is the oldest and cheapest test. However, this means there are some big drawbacks to it, including possibilities of false negatives and a positive result might mean you have something other than Celiac disease!
Bottom line for the tTg-IgA test: If you are positive or negative, it doesn’t mean you DO or DON’T have Celiac disease.
The most advanced blood test on the market, Cyrex Array 3, is the first one to check your immune reactivity to all parts of gluten, gliadin and other parts transglutaminase. This test, while still pretty new to the market, is the first of its kind to take a holistic approach in checking for wheat sensitivity. It’s currently the best option of the autoimmune tests.
3.) Damage Tests – These tests are the last step – they’re the most expensive and intrusive. However, at this time, in order to get an “official” Celiac diagnosis from a doctor, this test is the last piece of the puzzle.
It’s called an endoscopic biopsy (small intestine biopsy), and it’s where doctors actually go in and remove a part of your intestine and look at it under the microscope to check the damage. Hopefully, in the future, new testing will be developed that won’t be so invasive to the body.
In conclusion, the best approach for obtaining a proper diagnosis is to first get your genetics checked. Then, get a Cyrex Array 3. And if both are positive, get an endoscopic biopsy. If you get a positive test result from the endoscopy, it’s a big red flag you’ve had this condition for a long time and you’re likely going to need to take your healing process very seriously.
Feeling better after gluten removal isn’t enough to be diagnosed as Celiac, but it’s a really good sign that you’re AT LEAST gluten intolerant. And based on the several Cyrex Array 3 tests I’ve seen, you’d turn up plenty of positives there.
After you finally get your diagnosis, which will typically take you 4 years or longer, your conventional medical doctor will probably tell you this…
“Adopting a strict gluten-free diet is the only known treatment for those with gluten-related disorders.” – From the Celiac Disease Foundation
At first, just making this change seems so hard and sometimes impossible, especially giving up those treasured foods you may have grown up with. But the majority of Celiacs I’ve talked to finally make the change and begin to live the gluten-free lifestyle.
And they end up loving this new lifestyle because they feel so much better than before.
But most end up hitting a glass ceiling of healing. In other words, their really painful symptoms might decrease or mostly go away but they don’t get the energy, skin, hair, weight regulation and dependable brain and digestion they are really wanting.
And it’s NOT their fault or your fault.
You’re being told to follow a treatment that has abysmal results in actually healing Celiac disease.
I know, this is hard to believe but I’ll prove it with scientific studies in the next section.
After 2 years on the gluten-free diet, your chances of fully healing your intestines are between 8% and 34%.
2 years of effort for way worse than a coin’s flip chance at healing!
But it only gets worse…
The intestinal leakiness of Celiacs who’d been off gluten for 2 years was found to be 3x more leaky than controls .
WAIT! You might think, “What about those who get symptom-free on a gluten-free diet? Doesn’t that mean all is okay?”
This study and this study looked at inflammation levels in “symptom-free” Celiacs and found significant amounts of inflammation, compared to control subjects.
And it gets even worse, 18 of 30 Celiacs who had been gluten free for 8-12 years, with biopsy-proven health, had poor vitamin status (malnourishment) .
In other words, the gluten-free diet can help you get symptom-free, even repair your villi (proven by biopsy), but it’s unlikely you’ll also repair leaky gut syndrome, reduce inflammation to normal amounts and replace lost nutrients from the malabsorption the disease causes.
It’s time to treat Celiac holistically and use strategies to address the known issues. Yes, you need to avoid the environmental trigger (gluten). But it’s clear that if that’s all you do… well, remember those scary associated conditions like brain, fertility and cancer?
…the Gluten free diet leaves you vulnerable to all of them.
In 2011, Celiac researcher and doctor, Alessio Fasano released his groundbreaking paper, “Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Diseases.” Fasano proposed that this autoimmune attack could actually be stopped!
This is really good news… because, up until this point, it was assumed that once the autoimmune process starts, it’s just going to continue attacking your body for the rest of your life.
But Fasano’s latest research, conducted over several years, has shown that it is indeed possible to stop the attack on the body’s own tissues and usually repair the damage that has happened (if it’s not too beat up).
Fasano’s Theory of Autoimmunity Development Requires 3 Factors:
According to Fasano, when all three of these factors are simultaneously present, autoimmunity develops. This means if you have Celiac or another autoimmune condition, you had to have a leaky gut at the time it started (and it’s likely you still might).
So, this theory finally explains how you could have the genetics for Celiac disease yet remained mostly healthy your whole life. And then BAM! You have a mid-life crisis at 46 that triggers leaky gut, you’re eating gluten and “all of a sudden”you have a full-blown autoimmune disease.
However, there is a silver lining to all of this!
If having a leaky gut is the final factor that allows autoimmune disease to develop, then autoimmune disease can be stopped and most people can heal the damage by fixing the intestinal permeability and removing the trigger (gluten).
This is a whole new way of thinking about Autoimmune disease – one that gives us the steps needed to actually heal the body, instead of becoming another untreated Celiac disease statistic.
It’s also why we now know that while removing gluten (the trigger) is the most important step… it’s not nearly enough to heal a leaky gut and stop the autoimmunity completely. There’s more work to be done before the process has been fully arrested.
Now can you see why the gluten-free diet as the “only treatment” for Celiac disease is just silly?
Here are the 4 steps you need to focus on to actually heal the destruction from Celiac disease. This plan actually takes into account all four of the problems shown in the research to be plaguing Celiac suffers.
This is the plan to heal a leaky gut and reverse the damage from years of untreated Celiac disease…
And it starts with removing gluten from your life. This is still a must!
Step 1 – Remove Gluten (from all food, products, etc.)
It’s time to throw away all the packaged or processed foods in your kitchen that don’t have a gluten-free label on them. There’s no reason to keep any old flour or foods, period. Don’t leave any room for temptation.
You also need to read the labels on any product you put on your skin – shampoo, moisturizer, lotion, chapstick, etc. Ideally, it’s best to think of your skin as a giant extension of your tongue and don’t put anything on it you wouldn’t eat! So, verify that all these products are gluten-free as well.
Next, take a close look at your kitchen hygiene. If there are gluten eaters in the house, you cannot use their non-stick pans (don’t use them, they are toxic), cutting boards, or kitchen utensils. It’s even best to avoid using the same counters. Yes, that is kind of dramatic feeling. But the truth is even trace amounts of gluten can harm you. And if you can’t be safe at home, where you are in control, where can you be?
When you do eat out, don’t be shy about letting your server know of the severity of your condition. To be fully prepared, it’s best to call ahead and verify they can guarantee no cross-contamination. If they can’t guarantee it, there’s a good chance that sooner or later they will serve you some gluten. Here’s a guide to help you eat out gluten-free.
Step 2 – Add Nutritious Foods
It’s clear, from the research, that you need more nutrients than most people and you need to do everything in your power to reduce inflammation.
And this means it’s time to add in some highly-nutritious foods to help replenish the nutrient depletions in your body and give it what it needs to heal. (It costs a lot of nutrients to heal!)
At the same time, these foods will be extremely anti-inflammatory.
It’s a double-whammy move to help you heal.
This means you’ll need to eat A LOT more meat and seafood. It means eating more vegetables, fruits, and naturally starchy foods (sweet potato, white potato, white rice, etc). It means eating more healthy fats, like avocado and coconut products.
And it means eliminating all grains and pseudograins (even “gluten-free” grains, like corn and oats). Zašto? Because these foods have their own “gluten-like” prolamins that wreak havoc in inflamed and damaged guts.
In order to make room for all these new unprocessed and delicious foods, you’ll be eating very little processed gluten-free foods, which will actually save you a bunch of money.
In our experience, the stricter you are to adhering to these rules, the faster you’re likely to heal and feel better.
Step 3 – Heal the Leaky Gut
While cutting out gluten is a pretty straightforward proposal, healing a leaky gut is more complex.
There are endless free tips online on how to heal your leaky gut (some of them are good but many are actually pretty bad), which is why we hired 3 researchers to look at the most current studies and help us figure out the best way to actually do it.
Then, we took these protocols and put them into practice and have seen nothing short of amazing results in 1000’s of people.
One of the first steps to heal a leaky gut is to avoid grains and pseudograins, the ones I told you about in the previous section. Eating the diet above is ideal for healing it.
Next up, you’ll want to try some proven gut-healing supplements, like L-Glutamine. It’s been shown to heal your intestinal mucosa and reduce leaky gut. Start at 2.5 g morning and evening and work up to 20 g morning and night, over two weeks. (Read our complete recommendations on L-Glutamine Do’s and Don’ts.)
With that said, there are 19 triggers of leaky gut and many other helpful supplements out there.
Step 4 – Improve Inflammatory Lifestyles
The last step is used to reduce your inflammation and heal your leaky gut. And it’s all about your lifestyle.
Many Celiacs are unknowingly choosing a lifestyle that creates disease. This includes doing things like going to the gym every day, training for and running marathons, CrossFitting 5 times a week, sleeping less than 7 hours a day, using caffeine after noon, and drinking excess alcohol each night.
Each of these behaviors creates more inflammation and contributes to leaky gut syndrome.
No, don’t freak out! I still want you to work out and exercise, just less strenuously until you’re in better health. I don’t believe that coffee is really bad, but it surely is after noon because it messes up sleep cycles. And I don’t think wine or alcohol is necessarily toxic, but drinking more than one day a week is definitely hurting your gut.
Look, you’re changing your diet, you’re healing your leaky gut, it’s time to take this seriously and that includes cutting out lifestyle habits that are harming you.
Okay, so if you made it this far, you’ll likely be better educated than your doctor on your disease (which is impressive).
Let’s review the important take-home points:
You are now armed with the basic information to really handle and overcome Celiac disease. I hope you share this with others you know who are affected. And let us know in the comments what your number one takeaway from this article is.
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