Ena stvar, ki je skladna s SIBO je, da nista dva enaka, ko gre za njune simptome. Nekateri ljudje komaj kaj čutijo, drugi pa so priklenjeni na posteljo in nezmožni za delo. Vendar pa obstaja nekaj simptomov, ki se lahko pojavijo, če imate SIBO. Lahko imate enega, nekaj ali vse spodnje simptome.
Tudi simptomi se sčasoma spreminjajo, zato si je treba zapomniti, da samo zato, ker se danes počutite grozno, še ne pomeni, da se boste grozno počutili do konca večnosti.
Bolečine v trebuhu in/ali krči
Izmenično zaprtje in driska
Intoleranca in občutljivost na hrano
Srbenje in/ali napenjanje
Heartburn / acid reflux
Brain fog
Memory loss
Chronic digestive complaints
Joint pain
Depression and/or anxiety
Respiratory symptoms, such as asthma
Skin issues such as itchy skin, hives, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, acne
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies, especially Vitamin B12 and iron
Here are two of my most popular episodes on The Healthy Gut Podcast where I interview leading SIBO doctors about what SIBO actually is. My fans regularly tell me how much my podcasts have taught them about SIBO and gut health. I guarantee they'll help you too.
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